You can start the wizard from the BlueParq Designer or the BlueParq Editor.
BlueParq Designer
- Press the right mouse button, the BlueParq Radial Menu will present itself.
- Press the Add condition button
Trick: CTRL-5
Press the CTRL and 5 key simultaneously to call the wizard directly
BlueParq Editor
- In the Bottom Navigation bar of the BlueParq Editor, click the Show condition wizard button
Trick: CTRL-5
Press the CTRL and 5 key simultaneously to call the wizard directly
Create a variable first
- In order to work with the condition wizard, you first have to create a variable assignment.
- The fastest way is to click on the sign of the Variables node.
- Create a string, just like the example below.
- Press Save to add the variable.
The condition wizard
- After opening the wizard the following screen will be displayed:
- Choose the kind of condition by clicking on the green label (Equals)
- In the text field add the condition to check against (as an example) Hello World.
- Press Finish.
Result in the BlueParq Designer
- In our example we will add two cmdlet blocks, one in the True and one in the False block.
- Press the right mouse button in the True group, the BlueParq Radial Menu will present itself.
- Press the Add cmdlet call button and press Echo in the search field. Also checkout the cmdlet wizard tutorial here.
- Press Echo under Alias and press Next.
- Make sure you add The same in the InputObject text box.
- Press Finish.
- Press the right mouse button in the False group, the BlueParq Radial Menu will present itself.
- Press the Add cmdlet call button and press Echo in the search field. Also checkout the cmdlet wizard tutorial here.
- Press Echo under Alias and press Next.
- Make sure you add Not the same in the InputObject text box.
- Press Finish.
Result in the BlueParq Editor
[String] $StringHelloWorld = 'Hello World'
If ($StringHelloWorld -eq 'Hello World')
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Output -InputObject 'The same'
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Output -InputObject 'Not the same'