The variable invocation wizard

You can only start the wizard from the BlueParq Designer.

BlueParq Designer

  1. Press the right mouse button, the BlueParq Radial Menu will present itself.

  1. Press the Add cmdlet call button

Create a variable first

  1. In order to work with the variable invocation wizard, you first have to create a variable assignment.
  2. The fastest way is to click on the sign of the Variables node.
  3. Create a string, just like the example below.

  1. Press Save to add the variable.

The variable invocation wizard

  1. After opening the wizard the following screen will be displayed:

  1. Press the icon, the following list will be presented (based on the selected type of the variable).

  1. In our example we will choose to split the variable on the {space} between Hello World.
  2. Within the separator text box add a white space.

A world of possibilities

There are so many different types, methods and properties, we can't sum them up. But a good place to start is MSDN. As an example you can find the information for String here.

  1. Press Finish.

Result in the BlueParq Designer

Result in the BlueParq Editor

[String] $StringHelloWorld = "Hello World"

$StringHelloWorld.Split(" ")

Result in PowerShell

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