Release date
May 3rd, 2018
The BlueParq first official release is here! In this release we added new features, squashed a lot of bugs and polished the application on multiple levels.
- Pressing F1 will now open BlueParq’s support page.
- Feedback: The feedback dialog has been reworked and you can now submit feedback to use with full detail including new feedback types and your name plus E-mail address. Submitted feedback is automatically registered in our system and you will receive an email notification.
- Local Repository: Opened blueprints now have the correct document title.
- Documents: Documents now only ask if you would like to save the changes when changes actually happened.
- Documents: Saving a file automatically adds it to the *Recent Files* list.
- Ribbon: The ribbon has been re-organized.
- Ribbon: Added a Refresh Square button.
- Ribbon: Added several new items to the View Help context menu.
- Script Parameters: Added watermark to the mandatory input field.
BlueParq Designer
- Diagram: connections of a iteration or condition node can no longer be deleted.
- Diagram: The dragging of code nodes is more flexible and less sensitive.
- Diagram: Annotation location’s are now properly saved and restored.
- Diagram: Dragging a blueprint onto the canvas now positions it in the center.
- Diagram: Changed the message that appears when importing a document with cmdlets that do not exist on the user’s PC.
PowerShell wizards
- A new feature called the Invocation Node has been added to the Diagram, this node allows you to invoke the result of a variable and build expressions using its members.
- Log Entry Wizard: Applied several style changes.
- Log Entry Wizard: Added title to the first step.
- Log Entry Wizard: You can now use variables inside the Output File name.
- Iteration Wizard: Clicking Finish in the wizard now properly creates the iteration variable if required.
- CmdLet Wizard: Empty mandatory parameters now require you to fill them.
- Variable Window: The variable window on the left side has been reworked and is now more robust and feature complete.
BlueParq Square
- Square: Uploading a blueprint no longer adds the *Converted from* comment.
- Square: Only one BlueParq Square tab can be open at any time.
- Square: Applied several style changes.
- Square: Double-click on your profile image to change it.
- Square: Fixed the exception that occurred when sending a BluePrint report without text.
- Square: Updating a subscribed blueprint item now updates it in the local repository as well.
- Square: Subscribing on a blueprint item now asks if you want to open it into a diagram.
- Square: Unsubscribing from a blueprint now yields a confirmation message.
- Square: Categories are now ordered A-Z and the Examples category is reserved for BlueParq Staff Only.
- Square: Uploaded blueprint’s canvas image are now centered.
- Square: Change logs of unapproved Blueprint versions are no longer shown.