You can start the wizard from the BlueParq Designer or the BlueParq Editor.
BlueParq Designer
- Press the right mouse button, the BlueParq Radial Menu will present itself.
- Press the Add cmdlet call button
Trick: CTRL-3
Press the CTRL and 3 key simultaneously to call the wizard directly
BlueParq Editor
- In the Bottom Navigation bar of the BlueParq Editor, click the Show log entry wizard button
Trick: CTRL-3
Press the CTRL and 3 key simultaneously to call the wizard directly
The log entry wizard
- After opening the wizard the following screen will be displayed:
- You can choose a template (create on in the Settings - Logging screen), or build the logging yourself.
- You can output to:
- The screen
- To a file (you can use variables, as an example: $env:temp'\logfile.log'
- To the Event Viewer log
- In this example we will write to the screen and to a log file.
- Press Finish.
Result in the BlueParq Designer
Result in the BlueParq Editor
Add-Content -Path $env:temp'\logfile.log' -Value "$(Get-Date -Format 'd-M-yyyy') - Test message" -PassThru