The log entry wizard

You can start the wizard from the BlueParq Designer or the BlueParq Editor.

BlueParq Designer

  1. Press the right mouse button, the BlueParq Radial Menu will present itself.

  1. Press the Add cmdlet call button

Trick: CTRL-3

Press the CTRL and 3 key simultaneously to call the wizard directly

BlueParq Editor

  1. In the Bottom Navigation bar of the BlueParq Editor, click the Show log entry wizard button

Trick: CTRL-3

Press the CTRL and 3 key simultaneously to call the wizard directly

The log entry wizard

  1. After opening the wizard the following screen will be displayed:

  1. You can choose a template (create on in the Settings - Logging screen), or build the logging yourself.
  2. You can output to:
    1. The screen
    2. To a file (you can use variables, as an example: $env:temp'\logfile.log'
    3. To the Event Viewer log
  3. In this example we will write to the screen and to a log file.

  1. Press Finish.

Result in the BlueParq Designer

Result in the BlueParq Editor

Add-Content -Path $env:temp'\logfile.log' -Value "$(Get-Date -Format 'd-M-yyyy') - Test message" -PassThru

Result in PowerShell

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